During the course ot head and neck surgery for cancer the reconstructive surgeon is involved in replacement ot pharyngeal mucosal defects. Siedenberg (7) tirst reported free transplantation in 1959 using a segment ot jejunum, Roberts (5) using jejunum, Nakayama (3) using colon and Jurkiewicz (4) using ileum and jejunum. Green (2) in 1966 using microsurgical techniques demonstrated 100 % survival ot free transters ot jejunum and also patches ot jejunum in dogs. We have used free interposing iso-peristaltic jejunal loop transfer in 30 patients to bridge the cervical esophagus defects for advanced cancer ot hypopharynx, larynx and cervical esophagus after ablative cancer surgery. The major complication rate was 13 % (4/30 cases) including total tlap tailure and loss ot interposed jejunal segment. The minor complication rate was 36 % (11/30 cases) including postoperative hypothyroidism in 2 patients. Intra-abdominal hemorrhage or peri-operative mortality was not observed in any ot our cases. Total post-operative average hospital stay was 15 days, and median swallowing time was 10 days. Complication rates and success ot early tunctional and social restoration have been analyzed.
Klíčová slova:
pharyngoesophageal reconstruction, free jejunal transfer