A survey of risk gerontological factors, which were the reason for providing the home health care, was carried on
in the sample of one hundred insurants in the period 2002–2003. One risk factor, predominantly poor health
condition, was present in 10 % of the sample. 90 % of the sample included individuals of the older and advanced
age who accumulated two or more gerontological risk factors. Poor health status, i. e. the medical factor, which
was present at all individuals was often combined with the social factors like loneliness, lack of self-sufficiency,
lack of children and high age. The presence of risk factors, especially their accumulation, causes not only the
deterioration of quality of life but also increases need and consumption of health and social care and also the
necessity of placement at a facility of health or social care which is accompanied with higher financial expenses.
Early detection and log-term follow-up of individuals with risk gerontological factors or at risk situations may
prevent or postpone the development of dependency and necessity of providing the care by another person
eventually placing into an in-patient facility. Activities of home health care agencies are undoubtedly the important
service for elderly handicapped individuals which often postpone the indication of placement into an in-patient facility, significantly improve the quality of life of elderly people in their own home environment covering the need
of the other person care. Therefore, individuals with risk gerontological factors should be in a permanent and
active dispensary care of a general practitioner in particular, with the aim of postponing the development of lack
of self-sufficiency and dependency with all consequences, with the aim of helping elderly people stay in their
home environment as long as possible as declared in the goal No. 5 – “Healthy Aging“ of the programme “Health
21“ of the WHO.
Key words:
elderly people – risk gerontological factors – risk situation in the old age – home health care