The rapid development of intensive care which occurred in the Czech Republic during the last decade led to the
formation of intensive care units in many neurological departments. Their existence is made possible among
others by a greater availability of non-invasive imaging methods, better equipment o f departments and systematic
postgraduate training of neurologists engaged in intensive care. Many acute neurological patients in a critical
state no longer "escape" neurologists to anaesthesiological and resuscitation departments and can benefit from
the speciality of intensive care. The majority of neurologists engaged in revision activities has several years
practice in the discipline and integrated basic knowledge in the field of neurointensive care. Therefore the
presented article is not focused on the theoretical background on which the work of neurointensivists is based
(mechanism of primary and secondary affection of the CNS, intracranial hypertension, coma, neuromonitoring
etc.) but from many subjects only on some acute neurological situations which are of interest from the aspect of
the neurointensivist and revision medical officer, states the treatment of which developed significantly in recent
years and with which our department has several years practical experience.
Key words:
cerebrovascular attack - intraarterial thrombolysis - decompressive craniotomy - spontaneous