Majority of inflammatory rheumatoid diseases are of a multifactorial origin. Current development in genetic
engineering and immunoendocrinology in relation to research in pharmacotherapy are directed to the core of
problems related to chronic inflammatory and auto-immune diseases. The objective of this effort is to recognize
themost determining factors of pathogenesis.This trend is consequently reflected inpharmocotherapeutic effortsto influence the pathway of inflammation or patological procedure in immunity. Research in all disciplines is very
expensive which is reflected in the price of pharmaceuticals. It is important that physicians are best acquainted
with modern therapeutic possibilities and mechanisms of drugs in order to decide correctly on their indication
and benefit for the patient and to know risks related to medication in immunosuppression.
Key words:
multifactorial origin of rheumatoid diseases – division of rheumatoid diseases – immune and
endocrine systems in relation to rheumatoid diseases – pharmacotherapy of rheumatoid diseases