The physician reviewer of health insurance companies has to deal with range of specificities of particular
specialties in his work. Microbiology is the field with the important laboratory part and consultation
superstructure. The article aims to cover some specific traits in the field of medical microbiology.
The main specificity is the fact that a number of examinations run as an algorithm in which the demands
for further examinations are drawn from preliminary results. At the samé time, the control of the correct
laboratory proceduře is difficult. It is also difficult to optimalize the ratio of the price of examination and
gained information at seemingly simple examinations, e. g. an examination of antibodies. The author
mentions the importance of microbiology for epidemiology of infectious diseases and protection of
public health. Last but not least, the result of microbiological examinations is the key for follow-up
of resistence of microorganisms to antibiotics and creation of policy on antibiotics.
Key words:
microbiology - physician reviewer - examination algorithms - optimalization of examination
- protection of public health - policy on antibiotics