In 1998, a total of 2,111 occupational diseases have been notified in the Czech Republic, 2054 of them being actual occupational
diseases and 57 being conditions of being endangered by development of an occupational diseases. This corresponds to 45.8 cases
per 100,000 insured individuals. Most occupational diseases have been notified in North Moravia region (34 % of cases). Most
diseases developed in connection with coal mining (442 cases) and in public health (405 cases). Most frequent diseases were those
having been caused by physical factors (830 cases), followed by transfected or parasitary diseases (459), diseases of respiratory
pathways (395) skin diseases (360), diseases caused by chemical substances (58) and diseases caused by other factors (nine cases).
A comparison with previous years have shown that in 1998 the decreasing tendency in the overall number and incidence of
notified occupational diseases in the Czech Republic have continued.
Key words:
occupational diseases in the Czech Republic /1998 - incidence - occupational diseases - subjects endangered by occu-
pational diseases - evolution trends