Linking up with the statistical aspects of dosing the active ingredient in the randompowdermixture,
the properties of non-random mixtures of micronized active ingredients with auxiliary substances
of the particle size larger by an order are summed up. The review of literature aims to report the
conditions of the development of interactive mixtures, possible more precise dosing of small amounts
of active ingredients, and limitation of the risk of ordered unit segregation. From the technological
standpoint, interactive mixtures are relevant primarily for direct compression of tablets and dosing
of the micronized active ingredient in dry powder inhalers.From the theoretical standpoint, the data
concerning a temporary increase in the solubility of some active ingredients after the development
of an amorphous surface during long-term mixing of interactive powder mixtures are of interest.
Key words:
powders – interactive mixture – homogeneity – ordered unit segregation –
dry powder inhalers