Ophthalmic therapeutic systems, which rank among the drugs of the second and third generation,
make possible prolonged and controlled drug release, or the introduction of the drug direct into the
site of action (a specific eye tissue) with minimal distribution into the adjacent tissues. The group
mainly consists of solid ophthalmic preparations, in a lesser extent there are systems developed
fromhydrogels, colloidal carriers, etc.The present review lists both insoluble ophthalmic therapeutic
systems and those soluble inwater (degradable, erodible). Insoluble systems includemembrane–controlled
ophthalmic therapeutic systems (e.g. Ocusert®), therapeutic eye lenses, eye implants, and
other insoluble preparations. In the group of soluble preparations, topical inserts and systems are
described, which are introduced into eye tissues as implants or injections.
Key words:
ophthalmic therapeutic systems – biological availability – eye inserts –
therapeutic eye lenses – eye implants