The content of cadmium and zinc in the elder (Sambucus nigra) and the lime tree (Tilia spec.)
collected from four different localities in the Czech Republic was studied. Fromthe elder, the flowers
(Sambuci flos), pollen, and fruits (Sambuci fructus) were collected, from the lime tree, the flowers
(Tiliae flos) were used. The highest content of Zn and Cd was found in the pollen of the elder ( Zn
65.0–94.4 , Cd 14.1–43.1 µ, the lowest in its fruits (Zn 4.5–14.7, Cd max.
8.1 µ The content of Zn was lower in the Tiliae flos (13.8–32.5 than in the Sambuci
flos (30.8–49.9 The Cd content in Tiliae flos (9.9–58.9 µ ) was higher in comparison
with the Sambuci flos (3.3–15.3 µ The concentration of Cd in the infusion (10, 30 and 60 min)
was found under the detection limit of the used metod (0.04 µg.l-1). The highest content of Zn
transported to the infusion came from the Tiliae flos (20-36%), from the Sambuci flos (17–25%), and
from the Sambuci fruits (12–19%). The content of both zinc and cadmium in the studied drugs
depends on the localities of the original of plants
Key words:
heavy metals – pollen - AAS – Sambucus nigra – Tilia spec.