Evaluation of Height Parameters of the Workplace Based on Anthropometric Parameters
Cvíčelová M.1, Beňuš R.1, Cifríková M.1, Hatiar K.2
1Katedra antropológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, vedúca katedry prof. RNDr. Daniela Siváková, CSc. 2Katedra priemyselného inžinierstva a manažmentu, Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, MtF Trnava, vedúci katedry doc. ing. Miloš Čambál, CSc. |
We found in 90 % of women working in a selected industrial enterprise different forms of health problems. Shortcomings in the
working system contribute in a large extent to the occurrence of these health problems. Accordingly, we carried on an analysis of
height parametres of the workplace having used the norm ISO/CD 11226 “Evaluation of working postures“. This norm is used for
the evaluation of working postures based on angles of bodily segments.We calculated the maximum and minimum reach to height,
compared them to height parameters of the workplace and confirmed our assumption that the parameters of the workplace do not
conform to the majority of female workers.
Key words:
height parameters of the workplace, angles of bodily segments, anthropometric parameters, health problems