Possible Manifestations of Malaria and Its Appraisal as an Occupational Disease
Hassmanová V 1, Vysloužil L.2
IKlinika nemocí z povolání UK, Praha, Lékařská fakulta a Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové, zastupující přednosta MUDr. Eva Korolová 2Ústav klinické mikrobiologie UK, Praha, Lékařská fakulta a Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové, přednosta prof. MUDr. Jiří Horáček, CSc. |
The present authors report three cases of malaria which broke out: (1) when chemoprophylaxis was not employed, (2) when chemoprophylaxis was discontinued, and (3) when chemoprophylaxis failed. In the hrst tase, malaria (Plasmodium ovale) broke out 5 months afZer a visu to Nigeria, in the second tase (Plasmodium falciparum) it was manifested during a stay in the Sudan which had to be prematurely terminated due to the serious state of the patient. In the third tase, the patient died of peracute malaria (most probably caused by Plasmodium falciparum - black water fever) during a sojourn in Nigeria. All three diseases esere reported as occupational and deaths resulted in causal connection from the disease
Key words:
malaria, chemoprophylaxis, occupational disease