The analysis of the documentation of 9 patients in which the risk of occupational diseases (mainly asthma bronchiale) was
signalized between 1994 and 2003 and 161 patients in which the occupational disease was reported at the same period was done.
The most common reported diseases were trichophytosis (56 patients), asthma bronchiale (23 patients), contact eczema (18
patients), tubera mulgentium (17 patients) and the carpal tunnel syndrome (16 patients). The occupational diseases were reported
most frequently in 1994 and 1997 (29 patients) then the number of reported diseases started to drop. According to professions, beef
cattle tenders were affected most commonly (116 patients) followed by repairmen and mechanics (12 patients).
Key words:
occupational diseases, agriculture, trichophytosis, asthma bronchiale, contact eczema, infectious tubera mulgentium,
beef cattle tenders