Hyperbaric Oxygenotherapy in Treatment of Children with Neuroblastoma of Highest Risk: Experience in 1997–2000
Došel P.1, Sázel M.1, Staňková J.2, Kavan P.2, Křížová H.2, Gajdoš P.3
1Ústav leteckého zdravotnictví Praha, ředitel MUDr. Dušan Bartoš, CSc. 2Klinika dětské onkologie FN Motol a 2. LF UK v Praze, přednosta Prof. MUDr. Jan Starý, DrSc. 3Klinika nukleární medicíny FN Motol a 2. LF UK v Praze, přednosta Doc. MUDr. Petr Vlček, CSc. |
Treatment of highest risk neuroblastoma is problematic. 5 years overall survival is about 20%. Prognosis can be improved by administration
of 131I MIBG. The advantage of this targeted tumour specific radiotherapy is the possibility of achievement 5–10 fold higher
dose in comparison with external irradiation with less organ toxicity. 14 131I MIBG treatment applications were done in 7 patients
with highest risk neuroblastoma in this period. Four children were given one administration, three children were given repetitive
administrations. Out of these seven patients, three survived longer. 5.5 GBq was given within the first administration, 3.7 GBq
in subsequent courses, irrespective of body weight, always followed by four days 100 minutes lasting hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Immediate tolerance of treatment was good. 131I MIBG treatment is well tolerated targeted irradiation enhanced by hyperbaric oxygen
Key words:
neuroblastoma, MIBG, hyperbaric oxygen therapy