The paper deals with the issue of eye damage caused by radiation in a complex way focusing on the risks in the working
environment. The first part is devoted to ionizing radiation from the point of view of physical forms, resources, and general
interactions with the tissue and especially from the point of view of lesions of particular structures of the eye by ionizing radiation
in terms of radiation cataract, keratitis, retinopathy and neuropathy. The second part comprises the interactions of the most
common forms of nonionizing radiation – ultraviolet, infrared, visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum and lasers with eye
tissues. The general mechanism of their effect – mechanical, thermal or photochemic, and particular clinical units – ophthalmia
photoelectrica of welders, cataract of glass-workers, phototoxic retinopathy and others, are presented. The paper also mentions
therapeutic possibilities and preventive measures in particular eye lesions.
Key words:
ionizing radiation, nonionizing radiation, eye damage caused by radiation