The Beginning of Hyperbaric Medicine and Oxygenotherapy Specialization in the Czech Republic and its Role in Current
Human Medicine
Emmerová M., Hadravský M., Krátký M., Růžička J., Berková E., Patejdlová M., Hajšmanová M.
I. interní klinika Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň, přednosta Doc. MUDr. Martin Matějovič, Ph.D. |
Within the Law No. 95/2004 Sb., which specifies the conditions on graduation and certification of the specializations of physician,
dentist and pharmacist, “hyperbaric medicine and oxygenotherapy“ was established as a standalone attestation specialization.
A historical overview of hyperbaric medicine worldwide and in the Czech Republic is provided, together with current situation and
perspectives in preventive, therapeutically, research, educational and organisational activities in this seemingly narrow part of
medicine. If aviation medicine joins hyperbaroxy a scuba-diving medicine in this specialization, its essentials to change its name to
Key words:
hyperbaric medicine, scuba-diving medicine, hyperbaric chamber, hyperbaroxy