During the research of the history of the Baroque pharmacy of the Merciful Brethern at the Kuks Hospice
(Eastern Bohemia), established in 1743, and its professional standard, pharmaceutical literature was found at the
preserved hospice library. The present author first focused on the existence of basic, obligatory literature:
dispensatories, tariffs of medicaments, and juridical literature (pharmaceutical laws). There survived a small
number of these books because many books were destroyed during various wars. The following dispensatories
(pharmacopoeias) were found: Dispensatorium pharmaceuticum Austriaco-Viennense 1729/1738,
Dispensatorium Regium et Electorale Borusso-Brandenburgicum 1744, Dispensatorium pharmaceuticum
Pragensae renovatum 1750, Pharmacopoea Austriaco-provincialis 1774, 1775, 1790, 1794 (including a critical
commentary by Z. G. Huszty 1797), The Military Dispensatory 1795, Pharmacopoea Austriaca 1812, 1814 and
1855. There are a few books of the tariffs of medicaments (only from 1795, 1816 and 1866) and juridical
literature. These dispensatories (and their occurrence) will be useful for an analysis of laboratory preparation
and supplying this pharmacy. A few illustrations of pharmaceutical literature, found bookplates, and a print of
a painting of Count F. A. Sporck are attached.
Key words:
Kuks hospice-pharmacy – F. A. Sporck (1662–1738) – Merciful Brethren – librarypharmaceutical