The purpose of this project was to identify persons with increased risk of cardiovascular disease: teachers from Prague
elementary schools suffering from increased cardiovascular system reaktivity, arterial hypertension greater susceptibility to occu-
pational mental load and other cardiovascular disease risk faktors. Specific intervention for decreasing cardiovascular disease risk
was prepared for selected subjects. The project likewise monitored relationships between specific cardiovascular disease risk
faktors and other factors such as behavioural type, personality traints, attitudes, occupational and other influences. Our results
revealed a high incidence of cardiovascular disease risk factors in our sample: arterial hypertension (31.6%), excenssive weight
(43%), hypercholesterolaemia (35.3%), smoking (43%) and insufficient physical activity. The teachers taking part in the study were
subjected to a high degree of mental load, a large percentage of subjects exhibited risk factor behaviour and attitudes (32.5%) and
a high degree if both occupational and general frustration (40%). Younger subjects reacted poorly to mental load and their
emotional reactions tended to be pessimistic/depresive. Evaluation of the relationships between selected blood pressure and
coronary factor indicators and specific risk factors confirmed increased cardiovascular system reaktivity (particularly diastolic
blood pressure and coronary factors) in persons in the increased risk category.
Key words:
cardiovascular reactivity, teachers, intervention, long-term mental load, risk factors, risk factor behaviour