Metallothionein – Cisplatine and Anticancer
Kizek R.1, Vacek J.1, Adam V.1, Vojtěšek B.2
1Ústav chemie a biochemie, Mendelova zemědělská a lesnická univerzita, Brno 2Základna experimentální onkologie, Masarykův onkologický ústav, Brno |
Metallothionneis are low-molecular proteins, which are taking part on supervision of metal homeostasis.About
molecular mechanisms of MT expression it is known too little and probably single metal is participating in MT
expression by bonding on transcriptional factor MTF-1. Recently researches denote at important relations
between MT concentration and carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and teratogens. MT is known as prognostic marker
at many kinds of cancer and it is negatively related to anticancer drugs. For example cisplatine is used more
than 40 years and is engages to quanine in DNA molecule. However cell can recognise a formed adducts and by
correcting mechanisms aspires to repair it. Rising of metal concentration in organism leads to increasing MT
expression and subsequently therapeutic effect is markedly reduced. Using of antisense mRNA, genes therapy,
protease and application of another metals is an option how we can defend organisms to prevent of these
undersirable effects. Necessary condition of study of behaviour biological molecules are well applied analytical
methods. Methods using for MT determination are beside electrophoresis and chromatography also electrochemistry
or mass spectrometry.
Key words:
metallothionein, cisplatine, carcinogenesis, gene therapy, heavy metals, analysis of MT.