Telemedicine belongs to the most dynamically developing branches of health care in the last decade. Czech teledermatology is represented by The Hypertext Atlas of Dermatopathology, which has been available on the website since 1997. Nowadays a 7lh free version is accessible on-line with more than 3,500 histo-logical and clinical pictures and with the Expert System for Epithelial Skin Tumours. High resolution histo-pathologic images are obtained by fusion from several components. The images are obtained with the image analysis systém Lucia, the resulting picture has the larger dimension up to 7,200 pixels. The atlas is accessible free with a common browser, including speciál interface with magnified image details. New clinical images are obtained digitally, too. Pictures are commented and every nosologic unit has a short explanato-ry text.
Key words:
dermatopathology - hypertext atlas - e-learning - expert system