Differences of Fat Tissue Metabolism
between Normocholesterolemic and Hypercholesterolemic Rats
Živná H. 1, Živný P. 2, Feřtek D. 2, Hrubá P. 2, Palička V. 2
1Ústav fyziologie, Univerzita Karlova Praha, Fakulta lékařská v Hradci Králové 2Ústav klinické biochemie a diagnostiky, Univerzita Karlova Praha, Fakulta lékařská v Hradci Králové |
The aim of our study was to assess metabolic changes in fat tissue before and after partial hepatectomy (PH)
in two different rat strains: Wistar rats (W-SLD) and Prague Hereditary Hypercholesterolemic Rats (PHHC-CH),
using microdialysis. After institutional approval, 18 rats were divided into two groups: W-SLD group was fed by
standard diet, PHHC-CH group by cholesterol enriched diet, both groups for 29 days. After this treatment
two-third partial hepatectomy was performed. Microdialysis probe CMA 20 (CMA Microdialysis, Solna, Sweden)
was inserted into fat tissue between shoulder blades repeatedly on days 1, 14, 26 and 29 (immediately after PH).
The Ringer´s solution was used for microdialysis. Microdialysate glucose (mmol/l) and glycerol concentrations
(µmol/l) were determined. Statistical analyses were performed by SigmaStat software (Jandel Scientific Corporation).
Selected (after PH) data are being presented as means. Glucose interstitial concentration inW-SLD group
decreased 0.84...0.67, while in PHHC-CH group increased 0.53...0.63 (mmol/l). Glycerol concentrations increased
in both groups: W-SLD group 30.4...39.7, PHHC-CH group 27.6...40.0 (µmol/l). The results show differences in
glucose metabolism on tissue level after PH between normocholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic animals,
while triglyceride metabolism is not affected.
Key words:
microdialysis, glycerol, fat tissue, rat, cholesterol.