Porphyria cutanea tarda appears in its familial form with an autosomal dominant transmission
of the defect of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase in all tissues of the body, or in its sporadic form
with the defect in the liver only, in our population with a prevalence of 1:15.000. Etiologically there
participate in its appearance the iron overload (often caused by a mutation of the HFE gene of
hereditary hemochromatosis), chronic alcohol intoxication, long-term estrogen therapy, and hepatitis
C infection. Reliable treatments are serial phlebotomies and oral therapy with low doses of
quinoline antimalarial drugs, or the combination of both.
The report speaks of factors and conditions for the appearance of the disorder and of the
mechanisms of the therapeutic action of both the treatments. It also presents a draft of a rational
scheme for the optimal therapy of PCT.
Key words:
porphyria cutanea tarda – iron overload – uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase – HFE gene
mutation – hepatitis C – alcohol – estrogens – venepuncture – antimalarial drugs