Gram-Negative Toe Web Infection
Hesselbirg J. R.1, Vosmík F.2, Schwartz R. A.1
1Dept. of Dermatology, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, NJ, USA 2Dermatovenerologická klinika VFN a 1. LF UK, Prague, Czech Republicpřednosta prof. MUDr. F. Vosmík, DrSc. |
Gram-negative toe web infections can be a distressing and at times disabling disorder, with the
threat of sepsis possible in neglected or predisposed individuals. The cause may be multifactoral,
with overgrowth of Gram-negative organisms between the toes associated with marked hyperhidrosis,
which may predispose the infection. Likewise, constant wearing of closed shoes so that the feet
do not getmuch air circulation increases the chance of overgrowth of the microorganisms that create
infections. Sporting activities increase the changes of interweb bacterial proliferation, especially
with wet or water-related sports. In some patients this disorder may begin as a secondary infection
of tinea pedis.
Key words:
erythrasma - hyperhidrosis - intertrigo - tinea pedis