Authors describe a case of 71-year-old female patient with a prolonged history of recurrent fever,
weight loss, depression, vertigo, tinnitus, polyarthritis, conjunctivitis, hypacusis and general fatigue.
The symptom first observed was an inflammatory erythema of the left auricle, resulting in the
atrophy and deformation of the auricle cartilage. The clinical symptoms supported the diagnosis of
relapsing polychondritis, which was finally verified by histology. The authors consider the observed
association of relapsing polychondritis with aseptic meningitis, cerebro-spinal fluid pleocytosis to
be rare and interesting.
The patient’s symptoms were markedly improved after the systemic corticosteroid therapy.
Key words:
relapsing polychondritis - arthritis - aseptic meningitis - CSF pleocytosis - hearing