Macrocomplex of Aspartate
Aminotransferase as a Cause of Unexplained Hyperactivity of Aspartate Aminotransferase
Slabík D.1, 4, Freiberger T.2, Tomašovičová Z.3, Kamarýt J.4
1Ústav klinické biochemie FN, Ostrava-Poruba 2Centrum molekulární biologie a genové terapie, FN Brno 3I. detská klinika NsP Staré Mesto, Bratislava 4dříve: Výzkumný ústav zdraví dítěte, Brno |
Some enzymes are known for their ability to create macrocomplexes with plasma proteins. Alpha-amylase,
creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, or rarely aspartate aminotrasferase (AST) rank among such enzymes.
Some of immunoglobulines or possibly their combination partake in the composition of the complex. The
macrocomplex possess a substantially larger molecular weight, its degradation is reduced, it is more accumulated
in the blood circulation and the particular enzymatic activity in plasma is elevated. Randomly,we have found
a 17-year-old girl with an AST hyperactivity. Occurence of the AST macrocomplex with immunoglobulines was
detected by a special laboratory investigation. No other laboratory or clinical abnormalities were found in the
patient. Health conditions of the girl were followed up in a long-term study and laboratory picture of the
macrocomplex did not change during and after six years. Electrophoresis of the AST isoenzymes denoted
a different electrophoretic mobility of the macroenzyme when compared to both cytoplasmatic and mitochondrial
enzyme.A different molecular weight of the macrocomplex and the free enzyme was proved using Sephadex
gel filtration.A share of the particular immunoglobuline classes was determinated by means of immunochemical
diffusion technique.
Key words:
aspartate aminotransferase, macrocomplex of AST, immunocomplexes of enzymes, isoenzymes.