In the Czech republic, the program of recovery of the livestock from brucellosis caused by the micro-organisms
Brucella abortus was successfully completed in 1964. The campaign started in 1959 by the exploration of the
complete cattle population by agglutination tests. Incidence of the disease was 211 positive cases for each
100 thousands, prevalence was 0,676 % (20 481 animal in 654 foci of 34 districts). The prevalence was significantly
higher in large cattle units. Tens of new cases of the human brucellosis infections were reported. The process of
sanitation was first based on the elimination of infected animals. In the later phase the more radical method was
employed — the whole herds with infected individuals were eliminated and replaced. During the recovery program
more than 41 thousands of infected animals were eliminated. It required solving many complex methodological,
legislative, organisational, economical and social problems. Serological test applied to more the half of the livestock
population together with epizootiological, epidemiological and laboratory investigation helped to detect all foci.
Eradication brought about substantial improvement of the productive and reproductive features of the cattle and
eliminated the risks of infection with this zoonosis to the human population.
Key words:
Brucella abortus, bovine brucellosis, brucellosis eradication, surveillance, zoonoses.