Different Types
of Vegetarianism and Trace Elements
Magálová T. 1 , Kudláčková M. 1 , Brtková A. 1 , Ursínyová M. 2 , Hladíková V. 2
1 Výskumný ústav výživy, Bratislava, Slovenská republika 2 Ústav preventívnej a klinickej medicíny, Bratislava, Slovenská republika |
The authors compare the effect of different nutritional habits on essential trace element (iron, copper, zinc)
levels and cadmium. They examined 334 vegetarians and 298 omnivores. The analyses of trace elements were
performed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. There were only slight differences between mean serum
levels of copper and zinc. Serum iron levels were reduced in vegetarians compared to omn ivores, especially in
women (15.29 mmol/l vs. 18.80 mmol/l). The authors found a 41–45% incidence of decreased values of iron in
vegetarians. The frequency of decreased and/or increased values of copper and zinc is the same as in the whole
population. 7.4% of vegetarians had blood cadmium levels higher than the upper limit of blood cadmium
concentration 5 mg/l, 18.5% exceeded a concentration of 3.0 mg/l. The highest value of blood cadmium was 2.27 mg/l
in omnivores. Vegetarianism is an acceptable dietary habits in adults and has several advantages. On the other
hand, vegetarianism can be considered as one of the risk factors for trace element metabolism in humans.
Key words:
vegetarianism, iron, copper, zinc, cadmium, omnivores.