Fox-Fordyce Disease
Pock L.1, Dragon J. sen.2, Macháčková R.3, Švrčková M.4, Reichertová A.5
1Dermatohistopatologická laboratoř, Praha 8 2Kožní ambulance, Rumburk3Nemocnice - kožní oddělení, Nové Město n. Metují 4Kožní ambulance, Znojmo 5Kožní ambulance, Nový Bor |
Fox-Fordyce disease is a relatively rare disease with typical clinical and histopathological
picture. Its morphology and clinical course is shown on 5 clinical cases. Pathogenetically it is
characterized by an inflammatory reaction due to an occlusion of apocrine gland ducts ending in
hair follicle infundibulum by keratotic plug. Lesions are present in armpits, nipples and pubic area.
Primary lesion are formed by non-confluent skin color papules, which can be lightly or deeple red
in cases of accentuated inflammation. In 4 of 5 our female-patients the lesions were subjectively
asymptomatic. In 4 patients histopathological examination was performed. The basic finding was
hyperkeratotic plug in hair follicle infundibulum in combination with spongiosis or vesicle in the
hair follicle wall under the plug. In 2 patients we observed also dilatation of an apocrine gland duct.
For establishing histopathological diagnosis is, usually, necessary thorough serial cutting of a bioptic
material, but microscopical picture is well reflecting the pathogenetical nature of the lesion and
it is possible to consider it pathognomic.
Key words:
Fox-Fordyce disease - clinical picture - histopathological findings