David Gruby (1810-1898) was one of the most important mycologists of the 19th century who participa-ted in the birth of dermatomycology. Raymond Sabouraud called him "the father of mycology". He was born in the southern Hungary, started to study the medical faculty in the Pěst and graduated in Vienna. He lived in Paris. He was a reál generalist; he was interested in microscopy and was the first one who made the microphotographies of specimens. He was the well-known clinician; ne ušed the methods of modern psy-chosomatic treatment, was interested in astronomy and meteorology and was the pioneer of medical mete¬orology. He was also interested in surgery and suggested the use of cotton in the wound care. His beneficen-ce and welfare work are also important. In the field of mycology he described the etiological agent of favus, candidiasis and microsporia and the type of hair parasitism: ectothrix and endothrix. He also discovered the parasite of trypanosomiasis (he is the author of the name of Trypanosoma).
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