Mycological wet mount is one of the routine diagnostic methods in dermatovenerology. Together with cultivation it helps to confirm the diagnosis of dermatomycosis or onychomycosis based on the clinical suspicion especially before systemic treatment. While cultivation takes time and needs to be performed in the laboratory, the direct microscopy from skin scrapings or hair can diagnose the mycosis directly in the office. On the other hand, the proper reading and interpretation of the KOH wet mount requires a consi-derable practice and experience. The article shows the basic microscopical characteristics of fungal ele-ments in the dermatological specimens and their differentiation from artefacts. Futhermore, it presents some rare microscopical pictures, which enable a closer identification of fungi. The aim is to help in the study for the board examination in dermatovenerology, and also to demonstrate, which information it is pos-sible to read out from the KOH wet mount in the dermatological practice.
Key words:
direct microscopy - KOH preparations - diagnostics in dermatomycology