Immunopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis is considered fundamental in the development of skin chan-ges. An important role is played by the so-called model of facilitated antigen presentation realized by skin antigen presenting cells. Except from known inhalátory, alimentary or contact „atopens", recently, the importance of two significant antigen groups is emphasized: bacterial antigens (especially Staphylococcus aureus) and atopic autoantigens. In this páper we review the significance of staphylococcal antigens in the development and maintenance of inflammatory changes in atopic skin. The group of staphylococcal enterotoxins, toxic shock syndrome toxin, exfoliative toxin, a-hemolysin and some non-toxic substances like teichoic acid and protein A belong among relevant bacterial antigens. The above mentioned antigens are able to penetrate into deeper layers of epidermis and, also, into dermis where they bind to antigen-presen-ting cells. They either háve a direct proinflammatory effect or function like classic antigens or superanti-gens. Moreover, they induce the production of antibodies detected in the sites of the antigen accumulation.
Key words:
atopic dermatitis - aethiopathogenesis - staphylococcal toxins - superantigens