


Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae, the international journal of plastic surgery, is published in English with German and Czech summaries four times a year. For publication are accepted articles dealing with problems of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, burns and allied branches (clinical, laboratory, experimental studies); these must be submitted in English or Czech language. Only original studies not previously published elsewhere can be accepted.
Kindly send your manuscripts to the following address:
Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae, Šrobárova 50, 100 34 Prague 10, Czech Republic

The manuscript must be printed in two copies, one page per sheet, double-space, 60 types per line and no more than 30 lines per page. There should not be more than five corrections by handwriting per manuscript. The institute where the author´s work was done, the title of the article and the name of the author (of authors) must be stated on the first page. All other pages should be numbered consecutively. The Summary with Key words, the References in alphabetic order according to the surname of the first author and the legend to the Figures are to be written each on a separate page and added to both copies of the manuscript. The address of the main author must be given at the bottom of the References. The place where the Tables and Figures are to be inserted should be marked in pencil on the margin of the text. Figures are to be separate and not affixed in the text. On the back of each Figure, the author is requested to write in soft pencil his name, the short title of the paper and the consecutive number of the illustration with an arrow indicating the top of the Figure. Photographs must be clear, with good contrast and of a convenient size (optimal size is 10 x 15 cm, max. 21 x 15 cm). Slides are also accepted (marked with the name of the author, the arrow indicating the top side and the Figure number). The Tables must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and typed on separate pages.

References should be quoted in the text with the number of the reference in brackets. Quotations should be adjusted according to the Czech norm as follows: Articles in journal – author´s surname and initials, title of the article, international abbreviation of the journal, volume, the year of issue and pages. For instance: Motoki, DS., Altobelli, JB. Enophthalmos following orbital transposition for craniofacial malformations. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., 91, 1993, p. 416-422.
Books and monographs: the name of the author, title of publication, place of issue, publisher, year of issue and – maybe – also the page from which the quotation was taken. For instance: Burian, F., Surgery of Cleft. Praha: SZdN, 1954. Book chapters: Fára, M. Anatomy of unilateral and bilateral cleft lip. In Bardach, J., Morris, HL. (Eds) Multidisciplinary Management of Cleft Lip and Palate. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1990, p. 134-144. The abbreviation et al. is not acceptable in the Reference section and each reference must begin on a new line.

Manuscripts which do not comply with these requirements cannot be published. The editorial board reserves the right to suggest the publication of author´s article in the form of an annotation, make corrections, or on account of comments made by the reviewers, return the manuscript to the author for redrafting. The papers must be sent to the editor in their final formulation. The galley proofs are done by the author but no essential changes are permitted. The proofs must be completed and returned to the publisher in two weeks. Proofs returned later will not be taken into consideration. The authors of original papers will receive an issue of the Journal and 20 reprints free of charge and without special order. Additional reprints can be ordered at the usual prices at the following address: Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyne, Publishing Division, Sokolská 31, 120 26 Prague 2, Czech Republic.

The contributions must be simultaneously submitted in electronic form (floppy disk, CD). The journal accepts manuscripts in the text editor MS Word version 6.0 Windows 95 or more recent versions. The manuscript must be written in one typesize, without underlining. New paragraph should be marked only by Enter on the previous line. The floppy disk or CD must be marked with the name of the file, the author and the article.

Electronic picture documentation: The pen-and-ink drawings, photographs, and output (recordings) from devices will be accepted for direct processing in formats tif, eps and jpg. Graphs should be prepared in MS Excell. All kinds of documentation must be sent also as a hard copy and must be marked in the same way as photographs. The journal cannot accept pictures processed in the Power Point. The floppy disk or CD must be marked by the name of the file, author and name of the article. Colour documentation is reproduced at a price of CZK 4410,- per a printed page.