Klener P.:
Some New Findings in the Pathogenesis of Myeloproliferative Disorders and New Insight into More Effective
4 |
Jarošová M., Pospíšilová H., Plachý R., Divoká M., Holzerová M., Papajík T., 1Koptíková J., Indrák K.:
Principle and Importance of Using the Array CGH in Hematooncology
9 |
Hlavatý P., Kunešová M.:
Acylation Stimulating Protein – Its Role in Control of Metabolism in the Adipose Tissue
14 |
1Trněný M., 1Vacková B., 1Pytlík R., 1Cieslar P., 1,2Válková V., 2Gašová Z., 2Kobylka P., 1Trnková M., 1Krejčová H., 1,2Klener P.:
High Dose Therapy with Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients
with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: Long Term Follow-up in Patients Treated in One Center
19 |
Beránek M., 1Voglová J., 1Sýkorová A., 1Belada D., 1Bláha M.:
Importance of Quantitative Evaluation of BCR-ABL Transcripts Using
Real-time PCR for Effective Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
25 |
Dobrovolná M., Vraná M., Brdička R., Loudová M.:
Significance of Confirmatory Testing of HLA System
in Unrelated Haematopoietic Stem Cell Donors
32 |
Polák J., Marková J., Schwarz J., Maaloufová J., Volková Z., Čermák J., Haškovec C.:
The Use of Quantitative Assessment of Wilms Tumour Gene for Monitoring of
Residual Disease in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients
36 |
Soumarová R., Homola L., 1Štursa M., Perková H.:
Acute Toxicity of High Dose Interstitial Brachytherapy Boost in
Prostate Cancer
43 |
Špíšek R., Mejstříková E., 1Formánková R., 2Žižková H., 1Vávra V., Hrušák O.,Šedivá A., 1Sedláček P. 1Starý J.:
Familial Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Caused by Perforin
Deficit Can Be Successfully Treated by Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation – The First Diagnosed Case in the
Czech Republic
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Šváb J., 1Feyereisl J., Růžička P., Burget F., 2Hořejší J., 3Kolářová L., 4Stejskal F. :
Hydatic Cysts – Echinococcosis
55 |
Nešpor K., 1Csémy L.:
Abuse of Buprenorphine Becomes a Problem of the Czech Republic
59 |
Šváb J.:
Robotic Surgery
61 |
Špála M.:
Impact Factor – Good Servant, but a Bad Master
69 |