The authors examined by ultrasonography 120 patients with nodular cervical syndrome. The
ultrasonographic diagnosis, due to a high differentiating capacity of contemporary techniques,
have a 100% sensitivity as regards detection of node enlargement. In the differential diagnosis of
nodal syndromes an important part is played by various criteria such as size, shape, outline and
echogenicity of nodes incl. evaluation of hilar structures. High specificity as regards evidence of
metastatic affection was obtained from assessment of the L/T quotient (88.8%). A relatively high
percentage of patients with secondaries in the nodes had a transverse diameter longer than 9 mm
(86.5%). Ultrasonography can be considered in the great majority of cases a satisfactory imaging
method for detection of enlarged nodes with a relatively high informative value on their internal
structure. Promising results are obtained also from coloured coded duplex sonography.
Key words:
ultrasonography - diagnosis - lymphadenopathy - neck