Surgical-Anatomical Study as a Part of
Operative Treatment of Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Naňka O.1, Libánský P.2, Šedý J.1, Pozniak J.2, Adámek S.2
1Anatomický ústav 1. LF UK v Praze, přednosta: prof. MUDr. M. Grim, DrSc. 2III. chirurgická klinika 1. LF UK v Praze, přednosta prof. MUDr. P. Pafko, DrSc. |
Surgical- anatomical studies improve experience of a surgeon and technique of the parathyroids preparation. The authors
conducted a study aimed at standardization of the parathyroidectomy procedure and collection of the parathyroids from cadaverous
donors for allotransplantation. The total of 101 cadavers (51 females, 50 males) were sectioned. Parathyroid regions
were closely preparated, the glands were collected and histologically verified. Anatomical differences of this region were recorded.
The parathyroid tissue was confirmed microscopically in 75%. Mostly, the parathyroids were mistaken for lymphonodes,
a thyroid or thymus tissue. Location of inferior parathyroids was more variable (28% of inferior parathyroids is located within
the thymus tissue), compared to the superior ones. Based on the study, systematic anatomical preparation in the cervical region,
including a. thyroidea inferior and n. laryngeus recurrens and around the thymus cervical procesi is recommended in parathyroid
procedures, where preoperative location examinations were inconclusive. Complete thymectomy with exenteration of
the anterior mediastinal adipose tissue is fundamental for preparations in the mediastinum.
Key words:
parathyroids – thymus primary hyperparathyroidism – anatomical study – parathyroidectomy