Our study focused on the effect of non-pharmacological intervention based on the modification of
dietary habits and increasing physical activity on the level of total plasma cholesterol. Sample
and Methods: Intervented sample was created by 279 highly motivated healthy adults from Brno
(168 women and 111 men) of average age 43,5 ± 10,3 years and average level of total plasma
cholesterol 6,1 ± 0,75 mmol/l and HDL-cholesterol 1,04 ± 0,14 mmol/l. After medical and life-style
history assessment, followed by clinical and biochemical checking and evaluation the risk from
the life-style and biochemical and clinical parameters, the participants were individually infor-
med about recommendations. These recommendations regarded detailed changes of dietary ha-
bits, quantified by the recommended number of servings of basic food groups and sub-groups
daily and also increasing physical activity.
Results: After 3 months the changes of biochemical parameters were evaluated. After our non-
pharmacological intervention we founded significantly lower average level of total plasma choles-
terol 5,36 ± 1,24 mmol/l (p < 0,001) and higher level of HDL-cholesterol 1,16 ± 0,14 mmol/l. The level
of TG’s did not change significantly neither in whole sample, nor in the sub/sample of women and
men. 26 % of our sample was resistant to the intervention (the difference in the total cholesterol
level between 2 assessment was lower than 0,5 mmol/l). No significant difference was found
between men and women regarding the reaction of plasma lipoproteins.
Discussion and Conclusions: Our results justify the adequacy and appropriety of primary preven-
tive advising focusing on decrease of the risk of premature death using non-pharmacological
intervention in highly motivated people with good compliance and sufficient responsibility for
their personal health.
Key words:
Non-pharmacological intervention - Dietary habits - Physical activity - Hyperlipopro-