Dravbacks of the Peroperítive Biopsy - An Overview of Its Problemíticd Aspects from the Pdhologisťs Viewpoint
Hes O., Michd M., Boudová L., TřeškaV., Sůvová B., Neprásová P.
Šiklův patdqgickoanatanický ústav FN Plzeň, přednosta prrf. MUDr. M. Michal Chirurgická klinika FN Plzeň, přednosta prrf. MUDr. V. Třeška, DrSc. |
A summary wcrk presenting technically difflcult to process lesicn samples and these which cannet be diagnesed cn pereperative biepsy. The authers specify arguments against examinatiens rfsmall mammary gland tumers (measuring less than 1 cm in diameter), pest-bieptic tumers and sentinel lymph nodes. Furthermcre, the authers deseribe difflculties in processing the adipese tissue resulting in cemplicated evaluaticn tf the mammary gland tumers in the resecticn line. Obstacles in the pereperative examinaticn rf the thyrod gland lesiens are also listed here. In this čase, the freezing technique results in smearing speciťic cytdcgical featuries rf the examined tissue. Diagncstic eriteria for all ncn-papillary tumers rfthe thyrdd gland are explained in this article. Application rf the abeve menticned eriteria is, hcwever, worthless in the pereperative biepsy, which is also explained in this wcrk. In the last part tf this study, the authers deseribe macrcsccpic featuries rfthe mucincus cvarial tumers and their differentiaticn frem the gastrdntestinal tract adenocarcinema metastases, using macrcsccpy and histdcgical techniques.
Key words:
mammary gland - thyrdd gland - mucincus cvarial tumers - pereperative diagncstic proceduře — freezing histdcgical technique