Complicated metabolic changes in chronic renal insufficiency interfere with the formation and
survival of erythrocytes at many levels. Anaemia which thus develops influiences in a significant
way not only the quality of life but also the prognosis of nephrological patients. The confirmed
relationship between cardiovascular morbidity and mortality must be the starting point for early
diagnosis and treatment of this anaemia. Administration of recombinant human erythropoietin in
the early stage of renal insufficiency can moreover probably retard its progression. European
guidelines for the treatment of anaemia give clear instructions how to proceed in the treatment of
anaemia. The results of current, so far not completed studies, may modify in future the demands
on target haemoglobin values and may elucidate how normalization of the red haemogram can
influence the survival of patients with impaired renal function.
Key words:
Anaemia - Chronic renal insufficiency - Etiology of renal anaemia - Cardiovascular
complications - Progression of renal insufficiency - Therapeutic recommendations