Cholesteatoma behind an Intact Ear
Drum - Inborn or Acquired?
Chrobok V.1,2, Pellant A.1,2, Šimáková E.3, Pollak A.4, Pokorný K.1
Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku, Krajská nemocnice Pardubice,1 přednosta prof. MUDr. A. Pellant, DrSc. Ústav zdravotnických studií, Univerzita Pardubice,2 přednosta prof. MUDr. A. Pellant, DrSc.Fingerlandův ústav patologie, Fakultní nemocnice, Hradec Králové,přednosta prof. MUDr. I. Šteiner, CSc. ORL klinika, Univerzitní nemocnice, Zurich, Švýcarsko, přednosta prof. Dr. med. S. Schmid |
The authorspresent an account on views regarding the development of cholesteatoma
behind an intact ear drum which is usually considered primary and congenital, genuine. This view
is supportedbythefollowingetiologies ofdevelopment: impaireddevelopmentof thetympanicmembrane
(Aimi), metaplasic transformation (Sadé), presence of cellular masses of amniotic fluid (Northrop)
and epidermoid formations (Michaels). In 2000 a new theory of development of acquired cholesteatoma
behind an intact tympanic membrane in the area of the mesotympanum was published (Tos).
The authors, based on their won histological observation of temporal bones of aborted foetuses,
support some theories of the development of cholesteatoma behind an intact tympanic membrane
- penetration of proliferating epithelium into the middle layer of the tympanic membrane, the
presence of cellular masses of amniotic fluid and epidermoid formation located in different parts of
the middle ear cavity. In one epidermoid formation keratinization of the surface layer was found.
On the clinical material of five patients operated on account of a cholesteatoma without perforation
of the tympanic membrane the authors demonstrate possible localizations of a cholesteatoma. The
presence of otitis media in the case-history in four of five patients supports the possible postnatal
development of a cholesteatoma behind an intact tympanic membrane.
Based on investigations of temporal bones, clinical experience and publications in the literature the
authors recommend a classification of cholesteatomas. The latter are classified according to the
state of the tympanic membrane: 1. behind an intact tympanic membrane (primary cholesteatoma)
or 2. with a defect of the ear drum (acquired cholesteatom). Behind an intact tympanic membrane
is a (1a) congenital cholesteatome which develops probably on the basis of one of the following
possibilities - epidermoid formation, cellular masses of amniotic fluid and proliferation of the
epithelium across the tympanic membrane or (1b) acquired cholesteatoma the etiology of which can
be explained by the inclusion theory or metaplasia of the middle ear mucosa. Acquired cholesteatomas
with a defect on the tympanic membrane can be divided into (2a) primarily acquired which
develop on the basis of a meso- or epitympanic retraction pocket (pseudoperforation) and (2b)
secondarily acquired with a true perforation of the tympanic membrane.
Key words:
cholesteatoma, congenital cholesteatoma, etiology, histology, temporal bone.