Travel medicíně is a dynamically evolving medical speciality. As the number of Czech tourists travelling to tropical regions is increasing, more and more generál practitioners are seeing and treating these patients. Since there is also an increasing number of immigrants from tropical countries, the risk of import of infections, which are rare in Europe, is on the increase. The most common imported infections are travelleťs diarrhoea, malaria, dengue fever, rickettsial infections, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, skin infections and sexually transmitted diseases. It is important to provide tourists with up-to-date information about risks when travelling to tropical regions. Although the early diagnosis and treatment of tropical infections such as malaria, leishmaniasis and typhoid fever may prevent severe comphcations, knowledge of, and experience with, these infections is not sufficient within the medical community in our country.
Key words:
travel medicine, tropical febrile infections, malaria, dengue fever, rickettsial infections.