In a clinical study the authors evaluate efficiency of the operation on oculomotoric
muscles by the hang-back retroposition method. A total of 70 children have been
operated on, 52 of the patients suffering from esotropia and 18 from exotropia.
The mean preoperation deviation in esotropia was 30±12 pdpt, the postoperation
deviation was in the range of 6±7 pdpt. In the exotropia cases the preoperation
deviation improved from original 76.9%, in the exotropia group being 77.8%. The
overall success rate of the hang-back retroposition in all these patients was 77.1%.
Ina group of children operated on by a traditional retroposition there was an
overall success rate 78.7% (77.6% in esotropia and 82.4% in exotropia cases).
Hang-backretropositionhasbeenequally effective as the traditional retroposition
of oculomotoric muscles. Its main advantages include visibility of the operation
field, minimum risk of perforation of sclera and a fair time factor of the intervention.
The authors discuss the development, indications, further advantages but also
possible disadvantages or limitations of this acknowledged surgical procedure in
Key words:
hang-back, semi hang-back, retroposition, pseudoinsertion, esotropia,