Assessment of the Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome
Horáková D., Čížek L., 1Koutná J., 2Beška F., 2Lorenc J., Janout V.
Ústav preventivního lékařství LF UP, Olomouc 1Onkologické oddělení, M – VIA NOVA Ltd., Zábřeh2Krajské pracoviště Národního onkologického registru FN, Ostrava |
Background. Metabolic syndrome represents a disease with high prevalence and influence on the cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is to estimate frequency of metabolic syndrome in the district Šumperk,
in years 1979–1981 based on the analysis of large Preventive check-ups database.
Methods and Results. Database of Preventive oncologic check-ups from Šumperk district comprising 40 099
subjects with follow up in years 1979–1981 has been used to assess the metabolic syndrome prevalence. Incidence of
the risk factors of the metabolic syndrome have been calculated and compared with current situation in the Czech
Republic. The estimated incidence of metabolic syndrome ranged from 2.2 % to 8.4 %, according to the selected
criteria. As risk factors diabetes type II or glycaemia higher than 6.1 mmol/l, systolic or diastolic hypertension and
BMI higher than 30.0 kg/m2 were considered. It has been found that metabolic syndrome is increasing with increasing
age in both male and female population.
Conclusions. It is possible to assume, based on the results of this study that the incidence of the metabolic syndrome
is increasing in the last decades. It is necessary to focus our attention on the simple and practical methods for early
detection of metabolic syndrome. Important is also the prevention because metabolic syndrome plays important role
as a predictor of serious cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
Key words:
metabolic syndrome, prevalence, risk factors, increase.