Ablation of the Endometrium: Prospective 5-years
“Follow up“ Study
Fučíková Z., Tóth D., Hrušková H., Cibula D., Živný J.
Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze, přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Živný, DrSc. |
Objective: Objective of the study is to evaluate the effectivnes of endometrial ablation in patients
with persistent uterine bleeding who are unresponsive to conservative therapy.
Design: Prospective clinical study.
Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University and
General Faculty Hospital in Prague, Czech Republic.
Methods: 100 women with intractable uterine bleeding were subjected to undergo endometrial
ablation. 44 patients were treated preoperatively not only with danazol or progestins but also
with Norethisteron acetas to stop the acute bleeding preoperatively and 65 gave no preoperative
drug administration. Under appropriate anesthesia the cervix was dilated to 100 mm and the
uterine cavity was distended with Purisol (Sorbitol and Manitol). Roller-ball coagulation techni-
que combined with loop highfrequency endoresection was used in most of the patients (85 pati-
ents). The findings of small uterine myoma(s) were not consider as a contraindication of the
endometrial ablation.
Results: At 51-2 months 42 (42 %) of patients reported amenorrhea, 51 (51 %) hypomenorrhea, 5
(5 %) eumenorrhea and 2 (2 %) nochange. The mean time to complete operation was 30 minutes
(range 15-45 minutes). The procedure was completed in all 100 women and we had no serious
Conclusion: It is concluded, that endometrial ablation is safe and effective hysteroscopic proce-
dure in the cases of abnormal uterine bleeding for women with normal uterine morfological
findings or small uterine myoma(s) considering the follow up 51-2 month of the study.
Key words:
uterus, bleeding, hysteroscopy, endometrium, resection