In Towns there is a Higher Prevalence of Asthmatic Symptoms in Children
than in Rural Areas
Vondra V., Reisová M., Braniš M., Malý M., Kotěšovec F., Vitnerová N., Skorkovský J.,
Nožička J., Koláčný J.
The authors assessed the prevalence of symptoms of bronchial asthma by means of a standardized
questionnaire used in the international survey PEACE (Pollution Effect on Asthmatic Children in
Europe). The questions about complaints were addressed to children aged 6-13 years (the questi-
onnaires were completed with the parents assistance). In urban areas 5669 children participated
from Prague 5, i.e. 35 % of all elementary school children, in Teplice 2489 (21% children), in rural
areas: in the Benešov district 5619, i.e. 61 % children, in the Prachatice district 1983, i.e. 37 %
children. The response rate of questionnaires in the urban areas was 86-88 %, in rural areas 93 %.
In urban areas the annual prevalence of wheezing in the chest or dyspnoea or possibly both
symptoms was within the range of 3.8-13.8 % and differed significantly from the prevalence in
rural areas where it was 2.4-3.6 %. The most frequent symptom was nocturnal dry cough without
a cold (in urban areas 14.1-36.7 %, in rural areas 6.0-10.6 %). Rural areas differed from urban ones
by a lower contamination of the atmosphere, a lower density of the population as well as some
parameters caused by a different lifestyle.
Key words:
Prevalence - Asthma symptoms - Children, age 6-13 years.