Elevated LDL-cholesterol levels and reduced HDL-cholesterol levels are independent risk factors
for the development of ischaemic heart disease. Atherosclerosis is promoted also by some partic-
les rich in triacylglycerols, in particular intermediate density liporpoteins (IDL), partly also very
low density lipoproteins (VLDL). The risk of IHD is enhanced also by subfractions of LDLIII and
protracted postprandial lipaemia, characterized by an increased concentration of remnants of
chylomicrons. An independent risk factor is also an increased concentration of lipoprotein(a).
When evaluating the cardiovascular risk of an actual patient it is always necessary to consider in
addition to blood lipid levels also other non-lipid risk factors.
Key words:
Cholesterol - Triacylglycerols - Ischaemic heart disease - Postprandial lipaemia -