A series of 25 necropsy patients aged 54 - 95 y. with hemorrhagic necrosis of the esophagus
presented by black mucosa were studied. The discoloration was diffuse in most cases; less frequently there were black longitudinal streaks corresponding with mucosal folds. In 16 cases, the
lesion affected the entire esophagus, in the remaining cases only the distal half to third of esophagus was affected. The changes ended abruptly at the cardia.
Histologically, there was necrosis of the mucosa with focal involvement of muscularis mucosae.
The necrotic tissue was usuall densely infiltrated by leucocytes. The submucosa showed edema,
fibrinorrhagy and slight hemorrhage. There were platelet thrombi in small mucosal and submucosal vessels. In only some cases, the infiltrate affected the entire muscularis propria.
Gastrointestinal bleeding was noted in 8 cases. The esophageal lesion was preceded by circulation
disorders, as shown in both the clinical course and in the autopsy findings. Local hypoperfusion,
venous reflux, and gastroesophageal reflux appear as the principal pathogenetic factors.
Key words:
esophagus - hemorrhagic necrosis - necrotizing esophagitis - black esophagus - circula-
tion disorders - gastroesophageal reflux