Time Constant Tau (t) during Mechanical Ventilation: Theoretical and Physical Model
Török P., Májek M., Kolník J.
Oddelenie anestéziológie a intenzívnej medicíny, NsP Vranov nad Topľou, primár MUDr. Pavol Török, CSc. Klinika anestéziológie a intenzívnej medicíny, SPAM Bratislava, prednosta doc. MUDr. Milan Májek, CSc. Chirana-Medical, Stará Turá, vedúci vývoja DaNT ing. Ján Kolník |
The authors describe methodic approach and clinical results of mathematical and physical model, measurements and calculations of time constants
of respiratory organs (t) during mechanical ventilation of the lungs. During modelling they found out that theoretically calculated time constant tstat
as outcome of multiplication of compliance (Cst ) and respiratory tract resistance (Taw) does not equal the measured values. Detailed analysis of
inspiratory phase and especially expiratory phase revealed that static time constant tstat derived from static components changes during one ventilation
cycle in inspiratory and expiratory phases, and that t1 > t2 > t3. Theoretically, time constant should be equal (tstat1 = tstat2 = tstat3). There was found
a correlation between changes of flow resistance of ventilation system including endotracheal tube resistance and respiratory organ resistance (REsys)
and changes of time constant. In conclusion, theoretic and mathematic reasoning for constancy of time constants t are not valid for physical model
and clinical setting. The reason for this could be seen in non-linearity of ventilation system resistances to which patient is connected during mechanical
ventilation. In clinical practice, the theory of constancy of first three t is not applicable to mechanically ventilated patient. Time constant is not a constant
but dynamically changing characteristic which was denominated as dynamic time constant tdyn.
Key words:
mechanical ventilation – static time constant – dynamic time constant