Is it Possible
to Predict the Malignancy of Brain Glioma from Clinical and Neuroradiological Data?
Chytka T. 1 , Novotný J. Jr. 1 , Liščák R. 1 , Vladyka V. 1 , Syrůček M. 2 , Vymazal J. 1,3
1 Oddělení stereotaktické a radiační neurochirurgie, 2 Oddělení patologické anatomie, 3 Radiodiagnostické oddělení, Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha |
During last 7 years (between 12/92 - 8/99) 229 patients were diagnosed to suffer from brain glioma by
stereotactic biopsy in the Hospital Na Homolce, Prague. Histological subgroups were determined, using
the WHO system. Low-grade gliomas: fibrilary astrocytoma (104 pts), protoplasmatic astrocytoma (5
pts), gemistocytary astrocytoma (6 pts), pleomorphogenic xanthoastrocytoma (1 pt), oligodendroglioma
(18 pts), ganglioglioma (4 pts), pilocytic astrocytoma (15 pts), as high-grade gliomas: anaplastic astro-
cytoma (23 pts) and glioblastoma (53 pts). It was our intention to find a mathematical model which
would be able, based on selected clinical, CT and MRI data, to distinguish between low and high grade
gliomas. The statistical model was derived from 214 pts. Ten standard clinical and imaging charac-
teristics obtained before the stereobiopsy were selected as predictors of glioma grade and entered into
statistical analysis. Binary logistic regression analysis with the stepwise (LR) method performed by
SPSS statistical software version 9.0 was used to estimate the probability of glioma grade. Testing the
proposed model revealed overall 83.2% agreement between the predicted grade and the histologically
verified grade of the glioma. The model was tested in 12 new patients. The percentage of agreement
between the model predicted and histologically verified glioma grade in these 12 patients was 83.3%.
Key words:
brain glioma, malignancy