Contribution to the Elucidation of the
Etiology of Méniére’s Disease
Rosocha J., Kovaľ J., Šucháň M., Elbertová A., Krempaská S.
Združená tkanivová banka, Lekárska fakulta UPJŠ a FNsP, Košice, prednosta MVDr. J. Rosocha, CSc. Klinika ORL a foniatrie, Lekárska fakulta UPJŠ a FNsP, Košice, prednosta doc. MUDr. J. Kovaľ, CSc. Laboratórna časť oddelenia klinickej imunológie a alergológie FNsP, Košice, primár RNDr. E. Barlová |
The authors submit a complex of immunological and immunochemical examinations
of patients with the working diagnosis of Méniére’s disease and progressive sensorineural hearing
disorder. All tests were made on the basis of solubilized antigens of the human cochlea. Isolated
proteins were characterized by SDS PAGE. For assessment of the immunological basis of the disease
the authors used the following tests: immunoblotting, ELISA, CD69 analysis of peripheral CD3+
lymphocytes by flow cytometry after stimulation with cochlear antigens and the lymphocyte
transformation test. The tests revealed the irregular formation of autoantibodies and irregular
activation of periipheral circulating CD3+ lymphocytes in patients. This can be partially considered
the result of local damage of the cochlea or expression of pathological surface structures and
availability of normally not present local antigens as a result of various stimuli (viral damage,
pressure of endolymph etc.). Based on these results the view can be supported that Méniér e’s disease
is from the etiological aspect beyond doubt an autoimmune disease. It is however possible that as
a result of the induction of the however possible that as a results of the induction of the autoimmune
process the manifestations of the disease have a progressive trend.
Key words:
cochleovestibular disorder, Méniére’s disease, progressive sensorineural hearing
disorder, immunology.