Cross-sectional Study on Selection of Pharmacotherapy in the
Acute Stage of Treatment of Myocardial Infarction - Part I.
Vleek J. 1 , Gregor J. 2 , Macek K. 2 , Vítovec J. 3 , Práznovcová L. 1 , Zajíc J. 2 , Starec
1 Univerzita Karlova Praha, Farmaceutická fakulta, Hradec Králové, dikan doc. RNDr. J. Dušek, CSc. 2 Fakultní nemocnice, Hradec Králové, oeditel doc. MUDr. L. Hégr, CSc. 3 LF MU, II. interní klinika FN U sv. Anny, Brno, poednosta doc. MUDr. J. Zicha, CSc. 4 Univerzita Karlova, 3. Lékaoská fakulta, Praha, dikan prof. MUDr. M. Andil, CSc. 5 Masarykova nemocnice Ústí n. Labem, oeditel MUDr. I. Stanik 6 FN Královské Vinohrady, Praha, oeditelka MUDr. M. Alušíková, CSc. |
Introduction: Treatment of acute myocardial infarction is undergoing changes. In the treatment
of acute myocardial infarction in particular the following proved useful: thrombolysis, adminis-
tration of anti-aggregating drugss,beta-blockers and inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme.
An decisive part is played by the interval between the onset of symptoms and the beginning of
hospital treatment.
Objective: To describe treatmnt of patients hospitalized at intensive care units for acute myocar-
dial infarctions . Investigate diferences between faculty and other hospitals.
Method: The authors investigatd by means of uestionaires in a prospective study during the first
three months in 1996 all patients who were hospitalized on account of acute myocardial in farcti-
on. The investigation was implemented in seven intensive care units of faculty hospitals and in
nine intensive care units of hospitals and information on diagnosis, pharmacotherapy and results
of therapy were assembled. During the first 24 hours of treatment more detailed information was
Results: Antiaggregants were used in 88 %, nitrates in 77.8 %, thrombolytics, beta-blockers and
and ACE inhibitors in ca 30 % patients. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was
used in ca 7 % patients.
Conclusions:The authors describe treatment of the acute stage of myocardial infarction. In faculty
hospitals in 1996 thrombolysis, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, beta-blockers
and nitrates by the i.v. route were used more frequently.
Key words:
Pharmacoepidemiology - Acute myocardial infarction - Pharmacotherapy - Observati-