Arthroscopic synovectomy of the wrist
Pilný J.1, Krejzová J.2, Řihořková M.3, Jindra M.1, Báča V.4
1Ortopedické oddělení, Krajská nemocnice Pardubice, 1Fakulta medicínských studií, Univerzita Pardubice, 2Soukromá revmatologická ambulance, Hradec Králové, 3Revmatologická ambulance, Nemocnice s poliklinikou Havířov, 4Edukační centrum pro anatomii a endoskopie při Ústavu anatomie 3. LF UK, Praha |
Arthroscopic synovectomy of the wrist is a minimally invasive surgery that may halt the structural progression
of the wrist. Moreover, affection of soft tissue structures that is not detectable by other examinations
can thus be found. The authors evaluate the results of 23 arthroscopic synovectomies of the wrist
in 18 patients. Affection of interosseous and capsular ligaments was found in 48% of patients. One ligament
was affected in 35% and two were affected in 13% cases. Fifty-two percent of patients had unaffected
ligaments. Triangular fibrocartilage complex was affected in 65% of patients. Using visual analogue
scale, seventy-five percent of patients had no complaints 12 months after the surgery. No clinical signs of
local inflammation and improved range of movement were found in 85% and 48% of patients, respectively.
Improvements in patient’s subjective measures were found in 85% of patients after 12 months. Radiographic
evaluation assessed 12 months after the surgery showed a worsened stage according the Larsen
classification in 27% of cases. In all of these worsened cases, affection of interosseous ligaments was
demonstrated during arthroscopy.
Key words:
synovectomy, wrist, arthoscopy